& Sons, by David Gilbert

The great American novel, and behind it, the great American author, aggrandized to god-like status. J. D. Salinger, Philip Roth, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway: venerated men with their enigmatic lives and brilliant minds. Add to them David Gilbert’s A.N. Dyer and we catch a glimpse of the flaws, the cracks in the façade;... Continue Reading →

Bellman & Black by Diane Setterfield

During a boyhood competition with his slingshot, William Bellman kills a crow and by doing so, unknowingly, sets the course of his future.  As a man, he is a success in business and has a thriving family but there is a subtle darkness that follows him.  It is when William thinks he has everything, that... Continue Reading →

Interview with Joseph Nassise

Joseph Nassise, the author of Eyes to See, agreed to let me interview him for our blog.  Nassise is the author of over twenty novels including the best selling Templar Chronicles.  His work (notably his first novel, Riverwatch) has been nominated for several awards.  He has also worked in both comics and role playing games.... Continue Reading →

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